FreeRolls Classics
FreeRolls Classics
FreeRolls Classics is a thin, premium rolling paper that provides a rich burning experience. Made to burn slow and preserve flavors, these papers are second to none. Perfect for Aromatherapy and Natural Herb Blends! Legal use only.
Our papers are always FREE! Find us for FREE in a store near you soon!
Each month will have new art on each package, making them one of a kind.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often can I order FreeRolls?
We allow one order per month, per household. Once ordered, we will send you a pack of FreeRolls every month unless you cancel service.
What are the papers made out of?
Our papers are made from 100% Flax Paper, allowing for a pure and clean burning experience!
How soon will my papers arrive?
We ship with USPS, all papers get sent out at the same time for everyone, every month. Shipping is usually 3-7 days after we deliver to USPS.